Introduction of MK: Curriculum & Learning Environment

Curious about the MK Experience?
Check out some of the videos below to find out more!
On to A Strong Start at MOE Kindergarten
MOE Kindergarten – Igniting the Joy of Learning!
MOE Kindergarten- Where Every Space is a Learning Space
Curriculum: Our Flagship Programmes
Starlight Literacy Program
Early Childhood Literacy
Language learning is a dynamic and ongoing process that begins in infancy and early childhood and continues throughout the schooling years. In early childhood, the focus is on developing children’s listening and speaking skills. An active, interactive approach helps to nurture children’s interest in learning languages.
We use Big Books, songs, rhymes and games to help your child to:
● Develop listening, speaking and early
literacy skills.
● Enjoy English and their Mother Tongue
Language (MTL) (i.e. Chinese, Malay or Tamil language).
● Communicate with confidence.
● Learn about local customs and traditions.
Mother Tongue Language (MTL) and Bilingualism
Bilingualism is a cornerstone of Singapore’s education system. Learning our MTL gives us direct access to our cultural heritage, and can help us better understand our values, roots and identities.
At MK, we nurture bilingualism by focusing on listening, speaking and engaging children in games and activities that encourage early literacy development.
By using their MTL to communicate with teachers and their friends on a daily basis, children build a strong foundation that will prepare them for language learning in later years.
Find out more about the Starlight Literacy Programme
HI-Light Program
Holistic development
The HI-Light Programme is designed to support the holistic development of children across these six learning areas through an integrated approach to learning. It provides children opportunities to explore, discover and learn about the world around them.
● Aesthetics and creative expression
● Discovery of the world
● Language and literacy
● Motor skills development
● Numeracy
● Social and emotional development
Find out more about the HI-Light Programme
Weeks of Wonder (WoW) Projects
Collaborative and Self-directed Learning
Each term at MOE Kindergarten (MK) culminates in a Weeks of Wonder (WoW) project. In a year, children complete 2 WoW projects in English and another 2 in their Mother Tongue Language (MTL). Children will work together with their friends on a topic of their choice.
Through WoW projects, children learn how to:
● make their own decisions
● develop problem-solving, process and investigative
● collaborate with one another
● communicate effectively in English and
their MTL
Through the process of finding answers to their own questions, WoW projects allow children to:
● experience the joy of self-motivated learning
● build their confidence
● strengthen their learning dispositions
or positive behaviours and attitudes towards learning
Find out more about Weeks of Wonder (WoW) Projects
Our Learning Environment